There are two ways to join the OGV community!

Official Mailing List

Resident Discussions

The official OGV email distribution list is for messages from the Board of Directors to residents and owners. It is a one-way communication medium via email for important announcements and messages the Board wants to distribute. Please complete and submit the form below to request access.

The OGV Google Group is for resident-to-resident communications, for anything and everything related to OGV. This is NOT used for official communications from the Board but is rather an open email discussion group.You do NOT need to have a Google email address to join.  Once you join the group, to send messages, simply send an email to using the email address you used to register.

After signing up, your request must be approved before your email is added to the list. Please allow 24-48 hours for verification. You will be notified when approval is granted. Emails from this group will come from Please do not respond to these emails as they come from an unmonitored email account.

After signing up, your request must be approved before your email is added to the list. Please allow 24-48 hours for verification. You will be notified when approval is granted. Emails from this group will come from 

If you need assistance or have questions about either of these communication methods, please reach out to